EAT GREEK TO REACH THE IDEAL WEIGHT - Eat Greek for a Week: Fabulous food that will improve your health in seven days - Tonia Buxton

Eat Greek for a Week: Fabulous food that will improve your health in seven days - Tonia Buxton (2015)


THERE ARE FAD DIETS AND THERE ARE WAYS OF LIFE, and let’s clear things up right from the start, eating Greek is a way of life!

The purpose of reaching an ideal weight is not to lose weight, or to gain weight, but to be the healthiest weight you can be, for your age, gender and height. Believe it or not, by eating Greek, you will get closer to your ideal weight with every meal! This is because you will be eating healthy food, which work with your body’s natural functionality and not against it, like many modern processed foods do.

In place of eating foods, which have been shown to increase heart disease, diabetes and many other health problems, you’ll be enjoying a diet that not only tastes exquisite, but also prevents against those very same diseases, whilst keeping you healthier and stronger. Still not convinced? Cardiovascular death rates are much lower in Greece when compared to those of the UK and USA, and when smoking, drinking and other confounding variables were controlled for, diet was found to be the identifying reason for this effect.

By eating Greek, your immune system should be functioning as well as it can do, and your blood glucose will be better regulated. The other very important thing to regulate blood sugar is exercise - this diet is the best for your body but you must help it along too. Experts say that leading a sedentary diet is as bad as smoking! Our lives have changed so much since the days of our grandparents, who would on average walk 10km a day just going about their lives, so of course they did not need to make time for exercise. In today’s society we must! It seems to be the thing that is last on our ‘to-do’ list but really it should be at the top, right next to eating right! Make time to walk more, run more, move more - you really will feel and look better for it.

The food you eat will dictate whether the weight you lose is in a healthy manner, or if, in fact, it is causing your body harm. The choice to eat Greek is about choosing a healthier way of life.

When an overweight individual follows our Greek diet, they will lose weight, not as a goal, but as a consequence of the healthy eating habits of the Greeks. Similarly, if someone who is malnourished or drastically underweight follows our diet, they should begin to see improvements in their physique too; from muscle tone to an increase in energy levels they should eventually reach their ideal weight, not as a goal, but as a consequence of maintaining a healthy body and improving the blood flow, digestion and immune system.

So what is the goal then, if becoming healthier is a consequence? To enjoy your food, by dining on mouth-watering meals that the entire family will enjoy - food that is full of natural flavour and which works with your body the way nature intended. By eating a low red meat intake, moderate chicken and fish consumption and a diet based on olive oil instead of processed, hydrogenated fats, nuts and dried fruit in place of cakes and crisps, and a high intake of fruit, vegetables and pulses and even the odd glass of red wine, you will be giving your body the tools it needs to find its balance and become your ideal weight.




Resistant Starch

✵ Reduces appetite by lowering the blood sugar spike.

✵ Fewer calories than regular starch.

✵ Lowers blood sugar.

✵ Aids healthy digestion.

✵ Improves insulin sensitivity.

✵ Feeds friendly bacteria in the gut, increasing the number, and effectiveness, of the bacteria.

Grains, seeds, legumes, green bananas, cooked then cooled potato (perfect for salads), rye, sourdough, corn cooked and cooled, black beans, bean flakes, black-eyed peas, cashews, chickpeas, hummus, lentils, navy beans, peas, red kidney bean, red lentils, oats, vermicelli, whole rice.


✵ Stops fat getting blocked by the liver.

✵ Deficiency leads to liver and kidney problems.

Egg yolk, wheatgerm, peanuts, almonds, cauliflower, broccoli, spinach, cod, chicken, grapefruit, brown rice, soya beans.

Vitamin A

✵ Boosts immune function.

Olive oil, kale, liver, kidney, egg yolk, sweet potato, carrots, kale, butternut squash, cos and romaine lettuce, dried apricots, cantaloupe melon, red peppers, tuna, mango, cheese, yogurt.

B Vitamins

✵ Keeps metabolism healthy and running efficiently.

✵ Required to maintain cellular function.

✵ Deficiency leads to degeneration of the nervous system and body.

✵ Regulates blood sugar.

✵ Essential for the creation of the substance that carries oxygen around the body (haemoglobin).

Shellfish, trout, salmon, tuna, mackerel, lean pork, macadamia nuts, brazil nuts, pecans, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, wheat bread, wheat bagel, green peas, sweetcorn, acorn squash, butternut squash, asparagus, edamame beans, navy, pink and black beans, sun-dried tomato, okra, wholewheat pasta, salami, turkey, lean pork, lean beef, liver, cod, bananas, spinach, bell peppers, turnip greens, collard greens, garlic, cauliflower, celery, cabbage, broccoli, kale, avocado, Brussels sprouts, pistachio.

Vitamin C

✵ Converts glucose into energy, otherwise stored in your body.

✵ Helps reduce and regulate blood sugar.

✵ Involved in the synthesis and regulation of hormones.

✵ Strengthens blood vessels keeping them flexible, thereby aiding blood flow.

✵ Strengthens the immune system.

✵ An antioxidant.

Citrus fruits, peppers (red and yellow bell), dark green leafy veg, kale, kiwi, broccoli, berries, cooked tomatoes, peas, blackcurrants.

Vitamin D

✵ Helps you store less fat.

✵ Can aid in eating less but feeling satisfied longer.

✵ Can aid fat burning of the belly and aid in healthy weight loss.

✵ Essential for the regulation of glucose in the blood.

✵ Helps cell growth.

✵ Strengthens the immune system.

✵ Deficiency leads to weakening of the bones and muscles.

Eggs, oily fish (trout), caviar, dairy, mushrooms, extra lean pork.

Vitamin E

✵ Helps reduce and balance blood sugar.

✵ Oxygenates the blood.

✵ Antioxidant which prevents damage to internal structures caused by free radicals.

✵ Increases circulation in the body.

✵ Reduces heart disease by oxidation of the blood and reduces chance of clots.

Olives, olive oil, spinach, almonds, sunflower seeds, avocados, shrimp, rainbow trout, broccoli, butternut squash and pumpkin.


✵ Essential for transportation of oxygen to all parts of the body.

✵ Deficiency leads to fatigue, weakness and organ failure.

Molluscs, liver, spinach, beans and pulses, sesame seeds, squash and pumpkin seeds (raw), venison, beef, lean lamb, nuts, egg yolk, whole grains, leafy greens, dark chocolate, berries, apricots, grapes.


Increases the effectiveness of vitamin E, so double the antioxidant effect.

✵ Can offer protection against chronic illnesses.

✵ Antioxidant which protects the cells from free radical damage.

✵ Reduces risk of heart attack, stroke and cancer.

✵ Increases good cholesterol and decreases bad cholesterol.

Brazil nuts, oysters, tuna, salmon, cod, halibut, shrimp, wheat bread, lean pork, beef, lamb, chicken, turkey, liver, mushrooms, rye, eggs.


Zinc can easily be damaged by cooking and I recommend the cooked products for a higher success rate.

✵ Protects against viral infections.

✵ Aiding in tissue repair and regeneration as well as strengthening the immune system. o Zinc keeps healthy adrenal activity which can fight the effects stress has on the body.

Calf liver, oysters, beef, lamb, lean pork shoulder, chicken, venison, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, yogurt, turkey, green peas, beans, shrimp, wheatgerm, spinach, cashews, chocolate, mushrooms.

Fats and Essential Fatty Acids

✵ Aids blood clot regulation, reducing heart attack and stroke rates.

✵ Can lower blood pressure by significant amounts.

✵ Omega-3 facilitates healthy blood flow and regulates hormones.

✵ Facilitates the production of all hormones in the body.

✵ Helps the body store vitamins.

✵ Helps your skin and internal organs stay hydrated.

Olive oil, nuts, seeds, tinned tuna, salmon, sardines, halibut, shrimp, snapper, roe, scallops, oysters, mackerel, organic meats, avocado, macadamia nut oil, flax seed and oil, walnuts, red peppers.


✵ Provides amino acids, essential building blocks for all cells in the body.

✵ Aids muscle growth, especially after damage.

Turkey breast, chicken breast, tuna, salmon, halibut, cheese, pork loin, lean beef and veal, beans, egg whites, yogurt, nuts and seeds, beans, sun-dried tomato.


✵ Reduces food cravings by keeping you fuller, longer.

✵ Keeps a healthy digestive system, maximising nutrient uptake and functionality.

Bran, cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, berries, leafy greens, celery, squash, kidney beans, mushrooms, oranges, corn.

Lipoic Acid

✵ An antioxidant.

✵ Helps the body re-use antioxidants.

Potatoes, red meat, heart, liver, kidneys, broccoli, spinach.


✵ Helps neutralise stomach acid and aids healthy digestion.

✵ Boosts energy levels.

✵ Essential for maximum functionality of every cell in the body.

✵ Deficiency can lead to muscle cramps amongst other things.

✵ Essential for healthy muscle contraction.

Dark leafy greens (spinach), nuts and seeds, mackerel, beans, lentils, whole grains, avocado, bananas, dried figs, dark chocolate.

Polyphenols (plant)

✵ Antioxidant aiding cell growth and reproduction.

✵ Increases the body’s defence, protecting against various chronic diseases including heart disease.

✵ Increases defence against allergies.

Cloves, star anise, cocoa powder and dark chocolate, capers, black olive, green olive, hazelnut, pecan nut, plum, sweet basil, globe artichoke heads, dried ginger, apple, spinach, red wine, extra-virgin olive oil.

Alpha Lipoic Acid

✵ Used to break down carbohydrates into energy.

✵ Extremely powerful and versatile antioxidant.

✵ Restores vitamin E and vitamin C levels.

Yeast, organ meats including heart, liver and kidney. Spinach, broccoli, potatoes and tomato, peas, Brussels sprouts.




✵ Slows absorption of sugars in the stomach and stimulates insulin, which lowers blood sugar.


✵ Can control appetite by causing a feeling of fullness.

✵ May reduce cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

✵ Oat bran might work by blocking the absorption from the gut of substances that contribute to heart disease, high cholesterol, and diabetes.

Prickly Pear

✵ Contains fibre and pectin, which lower blood glucose by decreasing the absorption of sugar in the stomach and intestine.

✵ May decrease cholesterol levels.

✵ Can kill viruses in the body.

Ginseng (American)

✵ Fights cold and flu infection.

Olive Oil

✵ Effective healthy substitute for butter and lard.

✵ Helps control and prevent diabetes in adults and children.

✵ Should help lower triglicerides, improve blood sugar control.

Aloe Vera

✵ Opens restricted blood vessels to help oxygen and nutrient transportation.

✵ Lowers blood glucose naturally.


✵ Reduces glucose, triglyceride and cholesterol.

✵ Has an important role in regulating blood sugar in people with diabetes.

Green Tea

✵ Helps sensitise cells, aiding better ability to metabolise sugar.


✵ Okra is a rich source of dietary fibre, important vitamins and minerals, and powerful antioxidants, the vegetable is known to be beneficial for health in a number of ways including: preventing and improving constipation, lowering cholesterol, reducing the risk of some forms of cancer, especially colorectal cancer, improving energy levels and improving symptoms of depression, helping to treat sore throat, irritable bowel, ulcers and lung inflammation.


✵ Full of fibre, protein and monounsaturated fats which can help control hunger.


✵ One cup can kill cravings by helping you feel fuller.

✵ Fruit can help you stop craving fatty foods.

Brown rice

✵ Healthy carb which is a filling and low calorie alternative to white rice.

Red wine (one glass)

✵ Has several health benefits including a boost in calorie burning.

Kidney beans

✵ Protein, fibre and slimming carb-resistant starch each make this a must for any weight loss diet.


✵ Several studies have found that people who eat nuts (especially almonds) as a healthy snack, lose more weight than people who indulge in regular snacks, such as crackers.


✵ Boosts metabolism and burns fat.

Banana (slightly green for best results)

✵ Helps keep you full whilst boosting metabolism with resistant starch.

Boiled then cooled potato

✵ Good for weight loss and good health.

Chilli pepper

✵ Can aid weight loss and suppress appetite due to the capsaicin.


✵ Found to be particularly effective when eaten before meals.

Full fat Greek yoghurt (not Greek style)

✵ Reduced fat yogurt is often full of sugar, and full fat can protect against inflammation whilst aiding the function of the gut.

✵ Found to lower the risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes over time.


✵ Recently discovered to aid weight loss in overweight individuals. Dieters consuming cumin daily lost three times as much body fat when compared to those who did not consume cumin.